Enid Mbabazi Katungi
Enid Katungi is a scientist leading a portfolio of social science studies on common bean whose goal is to contribute to impacts among smallholder farmers. She holds a PhD in agriculture economics, working in the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture since 2008. Enid has a vast experience in the area of ex-post impacts of improved technologies & Institutional innovations, markets and seed systems research as well as agricultural context of East and Southern African countries.
Currently, she leads research on evaluating the advantages of socio media integration in crop variety dissemination. She has just completed research on going including consumer preferences & demand for processed legume food products in Malawi and Zambia with the aim of generating reliable evidence that donors and private processors can use when making investment decisions. Enid is also one of the principal investigators on a study “assessment the of seed quality resilience using structured genotyping methods in Uganda” meant to inform seed system upgrading in the country. She provides stewardship on market analysis of consumer demand for common bean traits and, development of breeding product profiles under accelerated breeding initiative.
Enid believes in research that is rigorous and honorably outstanding. Because of this, an impact story developed from her publications was selected to represent the GLDC impact in the CGIAR Performance report of 2019 (CGIAR Performance Report 2019). In addition, she enjoys sharing her experiences and expertise as a trainer under GREAT programs whose aim is to empower researchers in gender responsive research and spends part of her time mentoring younger economists in developing good scientific publication. During her tenure of office, Enid has served as the contact person for socioeconomics component representing common bean on big collaborative projects implemented by consortium of three CGIAR centers (i.e. ICRISAT, ABC-CIAT and IITA), as a member of the Grain Legumes Program research management committee. Between 2015 and 2016, Enid coordinated the Program’s Flagship project “Impact assessment, priority setting, knowledge management and gender Organizations”. In 2020, Enid took up additional roles as a technical adviser on performance monitoring indicators, development of donor reports and communication materials of the Pan African Bean Research achievements. When not doing research, Enid likes to watch movies and spend time on the farm with her family enjoying nature.