E-Learning Course on Mainstreaming Biodiversity

The E-Learning Course is a free online course about mainstreaming biodiversity into food and nutrition policies, programs, food value chains and daily diets. It is divided into 4 modules with 7 interactive lessons, covering:
- The main issues and barriers in current food production and consumption patterns and how they affect biodiversity
- The importance of biodiversity and how it can be integrated across different sectors to create more sustainable and nutritious food systems
- International and national (Brazilian case study) policies and initiatives related to biodiversity conservation, food and nutrition security
- Practical tools, metrics and indicators.
The course is currently offered in English, Portuguese, and Turkish.
In what context is this tool useful?
This tool is useful in contexts where policy makers, researchers, university professors, graduate or undergraduate students, nutritionists, extension workers or other professionals are interested in strengthening their capacities in biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture, nutrition and socio-economic development.
Results achieved
This E-Learning course has contributed to raising awareness about biodiversity for food and nutrition and to scale up the use of biodiversity for food and nutrition in development programmes, value chains and local community initiatives. However, concrete data about the beneficiaries is still being collected.
Variations on this method
No variations of this tool have yet been developed.
- Agrobiodiversity, school gardens and healthy diets: Promoting biodiversity, food and sustainable nutrition
- Evidence for the role of biodiversity in supporting healthy, diverse diets and nutrition
- Biodiversity, food and nutrition: A new agenda for sustainable food systems
- Diversifying food and diets: Using agricultural biodiversity to improve nutrition and health
There are no databases yet associated with this tool.