The impact of agricultural credit on the cattle inventory and deforestation in Colombia: A spatial analysis
Reporte de incentivos e inversiones del sector privado para una transición agroecológica en la región Ucayali
Policy changes and their potential to influence sustainable land management and deforestation mitigation strategies
Tài liệu tập huấn: Sử dụng công cụ theo dõi hoạt động sản xuất lúa và tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính FarMoRe
Policy influence through scientific communities: Achievements and challenges in Colombia’s path to ratifying the International Plant Genetic Resources Treaty
Major impact investor group mobilizes USD 106 million for a climate-smart food systems strategy designed with Alliance -led CCAFS technical guidance.
Introducing the I-CLEANED framework: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support profitable, sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions
Integrating the food systems approach into policies to conserve biodiversity and address climate change in Colombia
Integrando el enfoque de sistemas alimentarios en las políticas para conservar la biodiversidad y abordar el cambio climático en Colombia
Catalyzing new business models: The transformative influence of the partnership platform for the Amazon (PPA) on sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon
New criteria for sustainable land use planning of metropolitan green infrastructures in the tropical Andes
Agricultura regenerativa para sistemas cafeteros resilientes y con bajas emisiones de carbono - Una guía práctica
A systems approach for more effective and inclusive agricultural innovation for sustainable transformation: A call to action, reflection and five research commentaries
How do sustainability policies emerge in the Colombian political system? A kaleidoscope model analysis of the policy for sustainable cattle 2022-2050
Diseño de un mecanismo financiero mixto y evaluación del potencial de carbono para sistemas sostenibles de cacao en Caquetá y Cesar: Necesidades, barreras y recomendaciones
Proceedings of International Conference on EcoHealth Nexus: Bridging Cascade Ecology and Human Well-Being. ICEN 2023, 19th-21st December 2023.
Public policies for the development of a sustainable, forage-based cattle sector in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis
How Mitigate+ ensures delivery of impact: A quick overview of our monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment strategy
Regenerative agriculture for low-carbon and resilient coffee farms: A practical guidebook. Version 1.0
Decoding sustainable development pathways of Ethiopia: Key takeaways from the 2023 FABLE Ethiopia workshop