Biofortification: Future challenges for a newly emerging technology to improve nutrition security sustainably
An econometric analysis on the direct and indirect effects of climate variability on conflict. The case of Kenya.
Database for the analysis of the integration of Childhood Malnutrition in Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Livestock
Mainstreaming traditional fruits, vegetables and pulses for nutrition, income, and sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa: the case for Kenya and Ethiopia
The association between food environment, diet quality and malnutrition in low‐ and middle‐income adult populations across the rural—Urban gradient in Vietnam
Identification of iron and zinc responsive genes in pearl millet using genome-wide RNA-sequencing approach
Increasing pulse agrobiodiversity to improve food security and sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Interactions between food environment and (Un)healthy consumption: Evidence along a rural-urban transect in Viet Nam
Development of common bean genotypes with high iron and zinc seed concentrations and superior canning and agronomic quality traits
Policies, multi-stakeholder approaches and home-grown school feeding programs for improving quality, equity and sustainability of school meals in Northern Tanzania
Determining factors associated with breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in rural Southern Benin
Importancia de los productos de la ganadería en la seguridad alimentaria de los pueblos latinoamericanos