Línea de tiempo 50 años de crecimiento en el CIAT: Forjando la sostenibilidad alimentaria futura desde 1967
Mar 15, 2023 14:45 - 17:00 +08 Organising Tree Seed Supply for National Forest and Landscape Restoration Targets: Experiences from Asia
Call to action for fit-for-purpose and resilient native tree seed systems that meet global forest and landscape restoration targets during the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Assessing the ecological vulnerability of forest landscape to agricultural frontier expansion in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
Una Alianza para Acelerar el Cambio. Soluciones de sistemas alimentarios en el nexo entre agricultura, medio ambiente y nutrición - Estrategia 2020–2025.
An Alliance for Accelerated Change: Food system solutions at the nexus of agriculture, environment, and nutrition - Strategy 2020–2025
How much progress are we making in land restoration? CIAT scientists evaluate this progress by looking at 154 projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
Bioversity International and CIAT sign Memorandum of Understanding that establishes the Alliance foundations