Informing FAO’s global agri-food system analysis: A research protocol for tracking climate-change adaptation. Enhancing national adaptation plans and investments.
Innovating climate adaptation tracking: Climate action’s groundbreaking research on tracking adaptation is shaping adaptation policy agendas from Africa to the globe.
Indian government endorses CGIAR Gender Researchers' Network: A credible resource for recommendations on agri-food systems research, policies, and investments
Potenciando la comunicación: Uso de WhatsApp para fortalecer conocimientos técnicos de productores. Guía de implementación
Sustainability and productivity of Village Tank Cascade Systems: A bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping
The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda
Indigenous agricultural knowledge: A neglected human based resource for sustainable crop protection and production
Contributions of CIALCA to technical and scientific knowledge ecosystem of agriculture-based livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region
Capitalizing CIALCA’s 15 years of multi-actor, multi-stakeholder, actionable and adaptive research support for inclusive and sustainable knowledge ecosystems in the Great Lakes Region
50 years publishing on tropical forages - from Tropical Grasslands and Pasturas Tropicales to Tropical Grasslands -Forrajes Tropicales
Scaling-out knowledge: how the pandemic helped spreading the voice for a more sustainable cattle sector
Interacción Ciencia-Política en el Ámbito de las Políticas de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio Climático: Experiencias y Lecciones de América Latina