Understanding market preferences for nutritious foods in urban Ethiopia – A discrete choice experiment approach
Demand and supply of nutritious foods in rural Ethiopia: A choice experiment with consumers and vendors
From streets to tables: Bottom-up cocreation case studies for healthier food environments in Vietnam and Nigeria
Highlighting the Alliance and ASEAN-CGIAR’s food systems transformation efforts in ASEAN University Symposium
Are policies in Vietnam conducive of healthy food environments? Insights from a multi-sectoral policy landscape analysis
Enhancing consumer knowledge and awareness through nutrition education: A key step in transforming food systems towards consumption of healthier diets
Consumption and dietary intake of fruits and vegetables in Sri Lanka with a focus on traditional and indigenous fruits and vegetables
Alliance’s research and engagement contributes to developing national action plan for transparent, responsible, and sustainable food systems transformation in Vietnam
‘Forget me not!’ - Reviving the use of traditional vegetables in rural Sri Lanka for delicious and nutritious meals
La estrategia de la biofortificatión sigue impactando la seguridad alimentaria de miles de familias en Colombia
Analytical Framework for Work Package 2: Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and the Informal Sector
Diagnosing the performance of food systems to increase accountability toward healthy diets and environmental sustainability