Economic-environmental assessment of silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia: An ecosystem service perspective
Gender gap in perspectives of the impacts of degradation and restoration on ecosystem services in Ethiopia
Linking ecosystem services provisioning with demand for animal-sourced food: an integrated modeling study for Tanzania
ReSCA como una herramienta para calcular brechas para la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad y apoyar la formulación de proyectos de inversión
Cost of inaction, benefits of action and benefit-cost analysis of investment in restoration/rehabilitation of livestock systems
Assessment of farmers’ perceptions and land management preferences using the participatory tool for evaluating land management options
Quantitative assessment of sediment delivery and retention in four watersheds in the Godavari River Basin, India, using InVEST model — an aquatic ecosystem services perspective
Data from: Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition
De la teoría a la práctica: ¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta al construir esquemas de Pagos por Servicios Ecosistémicos (PSA ) efectivos y sostenibles para Sistemas Silvopastoriles? Evidencia de Colombia
Mecanismos de retribución por servicios ecosistémicos hidrológicos: estado de avance, cuellos de botella y aprendizajes de las iniciativas en el Perú
Integrating crop pollination management, native beekeeping, and silvopastoral systems to improve the cattle sector’s sustainability in Latin America
Quantifying services and disservices provided by insects and vertebrates in cacao agroforestry landscapes
Land use-based participatory assessment of ecosystem services for ecological restoration in village tank cascade systems of Sri Lanka