A critical analysis of soil (and water) conservation practices in the Ethiopian Highlands: implications for future research and modeling
Economic evaluation of sustainable intensification of cattle farming in the Colombian Orinoco region: Two case studies from the municipality of Puerto Gaitán, Meta
Evaluación económica de intensificación sostenible de la producción ganadera en la Altillanura de Colombia: Dos casos de estudio en el municipio de Puerto Gaitán, Meta
Servicios ecosistémicos y beneficios ambientales en sistemas ganaderos, una aproximación desde la valoración integral
Does landscape diversity and organic cultivation practices support biodiversity that render crucial ecosystem services?
How can agroecology and pastoralism contribute to land restoration? Reflections from Riyadh, UNCCD COP16
Assessing the impacts of nature-based solutions on ecosystem services: A Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems nexus approach in the Nima River Sub-Basin (Colombia)
Proceso participativo para la conservación de la subcuenca del río nima, Palmira (Valle del Cauca): Retos y soluciones basadas en naturaleza.
New criteria for sustainable land use planning of metropolitan green infrastructures in the tropical Andes
Coordinated implementation of climate-smart practices in coffee farming increases benefits at farm, landscape and global scale
Farmer and general public economic valuation of ecosystem services in the context of agroecological practice adoption in Western Kenya
Securing nature’s contributions to people requires at least 20%–25% (semi-)natural habitat in human-modified landscapes
High public good values for ecosystem service attributes of on-farm quinoa diversity conservation in Peru
Global Plant Health Assessment: Impact of plant health on the ecosystem services rendered by plant systems in world's ecoregions
Ecosystem services and environmental benefits in livestock systems: Definition of terms, and valuation methods
German government invests EUR15 million in major new program to pay small-scale farmers to produce ecosystem services, including climate change adaptation and mitigation