Phenotypic variation and association of agronomic traits in tepary bean genotypes under drought-stress and non-stress conditions
Validation of resilient and drought adapted forage options for mixed farming systems in Northern Ghana
L’intégration du pois chiche (Cicer arietum) tolérant à la sécheresse en Afrique Centrale offre une opportunité d ’étendre la production agricole à la saison sèche et d’améliorer l’alimentation et la sécurité nutritionnelle
Integrating drought-tolerant chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Central Africa offers an opportunity to extend crop production into the dry season and improve food and nutrition security
Unravelling the diversity in water usage among wild banana species in response to vapour pressure deficit
Tolerancia a sequía en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz ): desarrollo de una metodología de fenotipado y construcción de mapa genético
Range-wide differential adaptation and genomic vulnerability in critically endangered Asian rosewoods
Editorial: Physiological, molecular and genetic mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance in tropical crops
Assessing drought effects on banana production and on-farm coping strategies by farmers — a study in the cattle corridor of Uganda
Smallholder farmers expand production area of the perennial crop enset as a climate coping strategy in a drought-prone indigenous agrisystem
High-throughput phenotyping reveals differential transpiration behaviour within the banana wild relatives highlighting diversity in drought tolerance
Optimizing water use efficiency in urban green space of a hyper-arid megacity through tree species selection: a case study
Practical guidelines for early screening and field evaluation of banana against Fusarium wilt, Pseudocercospora leaf spots and drought