Climate information services in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam: A human-centered design approach. Interview guide for validate phase
Climate information services in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam: A human-centered design approach. Interview guide for user persona development
Baseline Survey Data on Crop Insurance Uptake and Agricultural Practices Among Smallholder Farming Households in Kenya.
Connecting climate science and society: reflections from early and mid-career researchers at the World Climate Research Programme Open Science Conference 2023
Transformative climate solutions: Enhancing resilience through tailored climate information services in the Philippines, Guatemala, Senegal and Kenya
Promoting the access and adoption of climate smart agriculture innovations through capacity building in Makindu Sub -County Kenya.
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
Opportunity profile for digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
Assessing delivery and business models for high impact climate solutions at scale: The case of climate information services in Vietnam
Boletines agroclimáticos regionales y prototipo de boletines agroclimáticos y reportes agrometeorológicos Honduras 2024
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia in Khmer language
Informe de resultados proyecto respuesta al impacto socioeconómico del COVID-19 y a los efectos del cambio climático en los medios de vida y la seguridad alimentaria en la región del Golfo de Fonseca (R13)
Informe de resultados proyecto resiliencia para la seguridad alimentaria y migración en el corredor seco de Honduras
Red de pluviómetros nacional de Honduras y su aporte en la democratización de la información agroclimática
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
Lecciones aprendidas sobre la aplicación del diseño centrado en el humano para la generación y difusión de servicios agroclimáticos en Honduras