Relaciones directas y subyacentes de la deforestación: Análisis de caso para el departamento del Caquetá, Colombia
Report on Gender Equality (HER+) Initiative training workshop on gender-responsive and nutrition-sensitive agriculture Ethiopia
CLEANED: un outil rapide d’évaluation ex-ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale - Example du Sénégal
Designing of FAW and Striga agro-advisories and their delivery through a bulk SMS messaging to the farming communities in Rwanda
How Mitigate+ ensures delivery of impact: A quick overview of our monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment strategy
Sectoral capacities need strengthening to deliver sufficient tree seed for forest and landscape restoration
Identificación y selección de los instrumentos e incentivos aplicables a las diferentes fases de la cadena de valor de cacao bajo en emisiones en Caquetá y Cesar
Curriculum design for a diploma course for teachers from Cunori University: Focus on in-situ monitoring in agriculture and defining the research portfolio in collaboration with CGIAR / Diseño del diplomado “Herramientas digitales para la…
Human-centered design: An approach to capacity building and co-design of inclusive tools for the Central American agricultural sector
Embracing forage technologies in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam: Lessons from the Li-Chan Project and recommendations for future endeavors
Gender equity and social inclusion in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus: Online learning module.