Towards climate-resilient dairy production in Southern Zambia: Report of a CLEANED decision-making tool training report, 25−28 October 2022
Strategic roadmap on mainstreaming gender-smart investing to scale climate smart agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
"How To" manual for informing crop wild relative conservation and use benefit-sharing mechanism design and implementation
Contributions of CIALCA to technical and scientific knowledge ecosystem of agriculture-based livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region
Implementation of feed intervention strategies for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam
Capitalizing CIALCA’s 15 years of multi-actor, multi-stakeholder, actionable and adaptive research support for inclusive and sustainable knowledge ecosystems in the Great Lakes Region
Has continued exposure to banana Xanthomonas Wilt worsened farmers’ welfare over time? Evidence from banana-producing households in Uganda
Capacity building program to improve stakeholder resilience and adaptation to climate change in Jamaica (CBCA)
New Tools for Evaluating Gender Impacts of Climate Services for Agriculture: Field Experiments in Rwanda
Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos
Social learning for designing and scaling out sustainable land-use systems in conflict-affected areas
Building the capacity of sub-national stakeholders in climate smart agriculture and climate information services
Assessing value chain risks to design agricultural risk managment strategies: A practitioner's toolkit
One CGIAR and the Integrated Agri-food Systems Initiative: From short-termism to transformation of the world’s food systems
Exploring the regulatory space for improving availability, access and quality of vegetatively propagated crop seed: potato in Kenya
Variation in the factors associated with diet quality of children aged 6 to 23 months in low and high agroecological zones of Rongai Subcounty, Kenya