Restoration of native species highlighted at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum

On 6 December, Bioversity International researcher Evert Thomas and Regional Director for the Americas, Marleni Ramirez, will join research partners and Vice Minister of Agriculture of Peru, Cesar Sotomayor, on the sidelines of Lima climate talks.
On 6 December, Bioversity International researcher Evert Thomas and Regional Director for the Americas, Marleni Ramirez, will join research partners and Vice Minister of Agriculture of Peru, Cesar Sotomayor, at the annual Global Landscapes Forum.
Global Landscapes Fora, held alongside the UN climate negotiations which this year take place in Lima, Peru, create a platform for positioning landscapes in the new international agreements on climate and sustainable development.
The 2014 Global Landscapes Forum will explore the role of sustainable landscapes in the new climate and development agenda along different themes, such as the implementation of integrated landscapes approaches and the link between landscapes and the green economy.
Evert Thomas, Associate Expert on the conservation of forest genetic resources at Bioversity International, joined by the Director General of Forestpa, Luis Gonzalo Moscoso Higuita, will highlight the importance of restoration in climate adaptation and resilience.
In order to restore forests on degraded lands for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and to improve livelihoods in Colombia, native species and genetically diverse seeds are used to establish self-sustaining ecosystems. In addition to supporting livelihoods, growing native tree species in production systems (e.g. plantation forests and subsistence agriculture) can also ensure landscape functionality.
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species, written by Bioversity International researchers and co-published with FAO, highlights the potential of using native tree species in ecosystem restoration for their biodiversity, ecosystem services and socioeconomic benefits and reviews the state of knowledge about effective restoration.
Use #GLFCOP20 and #ThinkLandscape when tweeting. Learn more and if you are in Lima, Peru, take part in the 'The role of genetic diversity, traditional knowledge and restoration of native plants in climate adaptation and resilience' side-event on 6 December at 17:30.