Blog Benin: An alliance between science and policy against climate change

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT - in collaboration with Benin's National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRAB) and other key partners - have established a science-policy dialogue framework to promote evidence-based policies in favor of climate change action, agriculture, food security and nutrition.

Benin, a West African country bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, faces major climate challenges that threaten its socio-economic development. Climate change is evident through increased average temperatures, greater variability in rainfall, and a higher frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. These phenomena have direct repercussions on agriculture, which is the backbone of the Beninese economy, employing nearly 70% of the working population.

The irregularity of the rainy seasons disrupts the agricultural calendar, leading to crop yield declines. Vulnerable rural populations bear the brunt of these changes, exacerbating food and nutrition insecurity. Coastal areas are threatened by erosion and rising sea levels, endangering infrastructure, the industrial sector, habitats and the livelihoods of local communities.

Faced with this alarming situation, Benin needs to implement effective adaptation strategies, quickly. Integrating scientific knowledge into public policies is crucial for developing innovative and sustainable solutions. In this context, Benin seeks to strengthen the dialogue between science and policy to better anticipate and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Emergence of a dialogue framework

On October 30 and 31, 2024, the NOBILA Hotel in Cotonou hosted a major event for the future of Benin's environment. An unprecedented workshop - organized by INRAB in partnership with the Alliance - brought together 31 participants from various backgrounds. Among them were representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP), the Ministry of Living Environment and Transport in charge of Sustainable Development (MCVT), the Directorate General for Environment and Climate (DGEC), civil society organizations such as PASCIB and PNOPPA, and other private sector stakeholders.

The workshop's objective was to establish a national dialogue framework between science and policy to strengthen resilience to climate changes, agriculture, and food and nutrition security. This workshop is part of the Agricultural Technologies and Innovations for Increasing the Resilience of Production Systems project (TARSPro), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) in five West and Central African countries.

Discussions highlighted the need for close collaboration between science and policy. Researchers shared their knowledge and findings, while policymakers brought their understanding of decision-making processes and public policies. Representatives from civil society and the private sector also contributed by sharing local community concerns and proposing practical solutions. This workshop laid the groundwork for constructive dialogue to face the climate challenges that the country faces.

Five key actions to unite science and policy

To materialize this dialogue framework and ensure effective collaboration among all stakeholders, workshop participants identified five priority actions:

1.    Map stakeholders and create a collaborative platform 
Identifying and grouping all stakeholders involved in climate change action, agriculture and nutrition is essential. Establishing a platform will facilitate coordination, collaboration, and information exchange among these actors. This initiative aligns with the Alliance's goals of strengthening sustainable food systems through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

2.    Synthesize research findings
Scientific knowledge must be made accessible and understandable to policymakers. This involves translating research outcomes into clear, actionable information tailored to the needs of decision-makers. The Alliance is committed to making science more accessible to positively influence policies and practices.

3.    Develop decision-making technical sheets 
Creating summary documents will allow policymakers to quickly grasp issues and make informed decisions. These technical sheets will serve as practical guides for developing effective policies, aligned with the Alliance's goal of providing tools for informed decision-making.

4.    Organize thematic consultation sessions
Regular discussions on key themes will enhance mutual understanding of issues and strengthen collaboration among different actors. These sessions will address specific topics and find common solutions, in line with the participatory approach advocated by the Alliance.

Towards a sustainable future: An ambitious roadmap

At the end of the workshop, a clear vision for the future was defined. The vision for 2060 is ambitious: to make this platform a key tool to positively influence public and private policies on climate change action and food and nutrition security. By strengthening the links between scientific research and political decisions, Benin positions itself to proactively mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

The 'science-policy' dialogue platform will be officially launched in February 2025, after the workshop report is validated and the necessary tasks for its operationalization are completed. This platform will be formalized by an inter-ministerial decree, thus enhancing its institutional anchorage and long-term effectiveness. The proposed governance structure involves coordination between research institutions, key ministries such as the MAEP and MCVT, and civil society organizations such as PASCIB and PNOPPA. INRAB will chair the platform, with DGEC serving as the secretariat. Technical and financial partners including SDC, CORAF and the Alliance will continue to actively support this initiative.

This initiative perfectly aligns with the Alliance's goals of using science for sustainable development, transforming food systems to improve the lives of rural populations. By closely collaborating with local and regional partners, the Alliance contributes to creating solutions adapted to field realities, thus strengthening community resilience to climate challenges.

This major step reflects Benin's determination to transform climate challenges into opportunities for sustainable development through close collaboration between science and policy. It also illustrates the Alliance's commitment to supporting local and national initiatives that have a global impact on food security and environmental sustainability.