Una perspectiva general de produccion propia (autoabastecimiento) de semillas forrajeras por ganaderos
Pagos por servicios ecosistémicos en la agricultura de pequeña escala: lecciones de la trayectoria de aprendizaje de Hivos-IIED
Bases de datos de cultivos de arroz en Colombia, Nicaragua y Perú con información en suelos, manejo de cultivo, clima y rendimiento
Inclusión del enfoque de género en políticas de cambio climático: Un análisis de siete países latinoamericanos
Participatory Research Approaches for Reducing Poverty and Natural Resource Degradation: Project SN-3: Annual Report 1997
Participatory Research Approaches for Reducing Poverty and Natural Resource Degradation: Project SN-3: Annual Report 1998
Methods of farmer participation in research and gender analysis for technology development : Project 19 : Activity Report
Land use studies: Reconciling the Dynamics of Agriculture with the Environment: Annual report 1998 Project PE-4
Land use studies: Reconciling the Dynamics of Agriculture with the Environment Summary: Annual report 2005 Project PE-4
Land use studies: Reconciling the Dynamics of Agriculture with the Environment: Annual report 1996-97 Project PE-4
Land use studies: Reconciling the Dynamics of Agriculture with the Environment Summary: Annual report 2003 Project PE-4
Integrating improved germplasm and resource management for enhanced crop and livestock production systems: Project PE-5: Sustainable Systems for Smallholders: Annual Report 2000