Honduras - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT


Our Mission in Honduras

For more than 30 years, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT has supported the improvement of smallholder farming productivity and the transformation of food systems in Honduras, providing science-based solutions and technical assistance through the implementation of programs and projects that strengthen the capacities of farmers, national and local governments and other stakeholders. The projects’ priorities include sustainable agriculture, integrated natural resource management, and the development of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

This collaboration has led to significant achievements such as more efficient management of water resources, the development of sustainable value chains and inclusive business models, capacity building in the agricultural sector, and the creation of successful climate change strategies.

Thematic Research Areas

Our work in Honduras provides science-based solutions to these challenges and supports the country’s objectives in relation to:   

  • Regional development 
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation 
  • Food and Nutritional Security 
  • Natural resources management 

In our country strategy for Honduras, we pay special attention to gender and the participation of multiple stakeholders, while strengthening the capacities of smallholder farmers, rural organizations, as well as local and national governments. 


The following are our areas of impact through our work in Honduras.

  • Deforestation 
  • Cacao and coffee value chains 
  • Climate risks
  • Inclusive business 
  • Empowerment of women in value chains 
  • Climate change adaptation at the local level 
  • Water resource management  
  • Capacity building 

Projects and Flagship Initiatives

To achieve our mission and address the challenges we face in Honduras towards achieving positive impact through our work, we undertake several projects and flagship initiatives in different parts of Honduras.



Our office in Honduras

Torre Agalta, Piso #18, Boulevard Morazán 
Tegucigalpa, Honduras 
Email: Vilia Escober ([email protected])  

Talk To Us

Would you like to reach out to our team of scientists working in Honduras?


Tools and Innovations

Methods and breakthrough achievements.