The comparative performance of land sharing, land sparing type interventions on place-based human well-being
Tackling the implementation gap of climate adaptation strategies: understanding policy translation in Brazil and Colombia
Bioversity for food and nutrition: promoting food security and nutrition through institutional markets in Brazil
Legacy effects of intercropping and nitrogen fertilization on soil N cycling, nitrous oxide emissions, and the soil microbial community in tropical maize production
Dealing with cross-sectoral policy problems: An advocacy coalition approach to climate and water policy integration in Northeast Brazil
A policy mix approach for assessing rural household resilience to climate shocks: Insights from Northeast Brazil
Habitat quality differentiation and consequences for ecosystem service provision of an Amazonian hyperdominant tree species
Spatial and temporal contrasts in the distribution of crops and pastures across Amazonia: A new agricultural land use data set from census data since 1950: Crops and pastures across Amazonia