Assessing the economic costs, benefits and drivers of sustainable land management for farmers in Ntcheu District, Malawi & Lushoto District, Tanzania
A Guide for participatory mapping of ecosystem services in multiuse agricultural landscapes: How to conduct a rapid spatial assessment of ecosystem services
Soil and land health survey to characterize two-100 km2 sites using the Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) within Babati district, Tanzania
Replication Data for: Predicting the future climatic suitability for cocoa farming of the leading producer countries, Ghana and Ivory Coast.
Landscape-scale variability of soil health indicators: Effects of cultivation on soil organic carbon in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania
Knowledge Gaps between Farmers and Scientists: A Case Study on Perceptions and Knowledge on Arabica Coffee Pests and Diseases of Mount Elgon, Uganda
Potential farm to landscape level impact and adoption of forage technologies in smallholder dairy production systems in Tanga, Tanzania