Potential multi-dimensional impacts and trade-offs of improved livestock feeding options in Babati, Tanzania.
Assessing the adoption of high iron bean varieties and their impact on iron intakes and other livelihood outcomes in Rwanda: Listing Exercise Report
Bio-economic evaluation of forage cultivation scenarios in crop-dairy systems in Lushoto District, Tanzania. Farming Systems Ecology Thesis
Developing tools to quantify sustainability of intensive and extensive ruminant farming systems in Sub-Saharan East Africa
Can conservation agriculture improve phosphorus (P) availability in weathered soils? Effects of tillage and residue management on soil P status after 9 years in a Kenyan Oxisol
The role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements for complementary foods of infants and young children , Southern Benin
What has our landscape to offer for community’s food and nutrition security; a case of Vihiga County, Kenya
Community-based development of agricultural activities aiming to improve dietary diversity in Western Kenya [poster]
Importance of traditional protected areas for the collection of medicinal plants, Kongo-Central (DRC)
How climate-smart are the GIZ supported soil protection and rehabilitation technologies in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia , India and Kenya?
Influencing factors for adoption of forage technologies in smallholder dairy systems in Lushoto, Tanzania