A Boundary Plane Approach to Map Hotspots for Achievable Soil Carbon Sequestration and Soil Fertility Improvement
Understanding gender roles and practices in the household and on the farm: Implications for banana disease management innovation processes in Burundi
Household survey data of integrated land and water management for adaptation to climate variability and change in West Africa
Perennial ryegrass and novel festulolium forage grasses in the tropical highlands of Central Kenya: Preliminary assessment = Nuevos pastos de ryegrass y festulolium en tierras altas del trópico de Kenia central: Evaluación preliminar
Inheritance of Striga hermonthica adaptive traits in an earlymaturing white maize inbred line containing resistance genes from Zea diploperennis
Farmer perception and valuation of seed quality: Evidence from bean and cowpea seed auctions in Tanzania and Ghana
Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya
Busia county biodiversity policy: our heritage, our strength and the basis of our development 2016 – 2023
Environmental analyses to inform transitions to sustainable diets in developing countries: case studies for Vietnam and Kenya
Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya