Replication Data for: Information exchange links, knowledge exposure, and adoption of agricultural technologies in northern Uganda
Agrobiodiversity in Busia County: Improving dietary diversity and livelihoods with African leafy vegetables
Survey-based data on food security, nutrition and agricultural production shocks among rural farming households in northern Uganda
Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from forests and other land use types in an African tropical montane region
Building resilience through “Open Source Seed Systems” for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania: What are the options for policy?
Linking farmers, indigenous vegetables and schools to improve diets and nutrition in Busia County, Kenya
Guide simplifie de demande d’acces pour les utilisateurs des ressources génétiques regit par le Protocole de Nagoya et celles regit par le Traite International des Ressources Phytogenetiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture a Madagascar
Solar-Dried Traditional African Vegetables in Rural Tanzania: Awareness, Perceptions, and Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions
Evaluation of ENACTS-Rwanda: A new multi-decade, high resolution rainfall and temperature data set—Climatology
Gender-based constraints affecting biofortified cassava production, processing and marketing among men and women adopters in Oyo and Benue States, Nigeria
Analyses of African common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm using a SNP fingerprinting platform: diversity, quality control and molecular breeding
Ex-ante impact assessment of feed interventions in smallholder dairy production systems in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania