Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa where it shares borders with Zambia to the north, Mozambique to the east, South Africa to the south, and Botswana and Namibia to the west. Its landscape is dived into four topographical zones, namely the lowveld with a relief of 300-600m; 600-1200m in the midlevel; 1200-2000m in the highveld and 200-2400 in the eastern highlands. The country has a total land area of 39 million hectares, of which 16.2 million ha is used for agricultural purposes: 4.1 million for crop production and 12.1 for permanent pastures. The climate in Zimbabwe is largely subtropical, characterized by a hot-dry spring from September to mid-November, hot-rainy summer from mid-November to March, and cool-dry winter from April to August. Annual average rainfall varies from 300mm in the lowveld to over 1000mm in the eastern highlands, with 65% of the country receiving an average of less than 500mm of rainfall annually.