Inadequacy of nutrients in children’s diets across seasons along an agricultural intensification gradient in Ethiopia
Strengthening resilience: Exploring the contribution of GAPs to agroecology across green innovation centers in selected value chain
Understanding market preferences for nutritious foods in urban Ethiopia – A discrete choice experiment approach
Understanding farm typology for targeting agricultural development in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Ethiopia
Bridging the gap: Analysis of systemic barriers to irrigation technology supply businesses in Ethiopia
Policy levers to unlock climate finance in the livestock sector: A guide for national policymakers to integrate livestock in climate strategies
Sirna nyaataa koorniyaa irratti xiyyeeffate cimsuun haala sirna soorataa fooyyessuu: Maanuwaala/ Qaleelcha leenjii
Potential markets for new tropical forage hybrids to increase livestock system productivity and adaptability in East Africa
Opportunities and challenges for improved forage seed market development: Insights from Kenya and other East African countries
Site-specific fertilizer recommendation using data driven machine learning enhanced wheat productivity and resource use efficiency