Projects and Flagship Initiatives in Vietnam

Direct contributions to our research areas in Vietnam, these projects and flagship initiatives in the country are creating positive impact in the livelihoods of communities.
Food Environment and Consumer Behavior
The Alliance continues to support local partners including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam in implementing the National Adaptation Action Plan for Food Systems Transformation through several undertakings within the CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Healthy Diets through Food Systems Transformation and the ASEAN-CGIAR research programme.
Through local academic and government partnerships, the Alliance is able to generate evidence and knowledge that contribute to improving diets of vulnerable populations in the country.
Tropical Forages
Throughout the years, the Alliance engaged in livestock and forages development in Vietnam, particularly in Northern Vietnam. Currently, the Alliance and partners are involved in the implementation of the CGIAR Initiatives SAPLING (Sustainable Animal Productivity) and Nature-Positive Solutions to achieve sustainable productivity gains and improve livelihoods in the livestock sector, while promoting soil health in forage-based systems.
Partners in the Mekong Delta like the CATAS also works toward addressing issues in agriculture like salinization along the coasts.
In promoting growth in the Cassava sector in Vietnam, the Alliance continues to work with local research organizations to create stronger farm and market links to improve local livelihoods and contribute to economic growth in the country.
By working with local governments, the Alliance aims to provide capacity through innovations and tools to promote strategic direction and address issues that hinder sustainability of the Cassava sector in Vietnam.

Testing rice varieties, Vietnam The Mekong Delta is set to face more extreme weather conditions in Vietnam, researching drought, salient and submergence tolerant rice varieties.

Improved forages for boosted income in Vietnam. A farmer gathers cut forages planted next to her house to feed her livestock. Since using improved forages and better livestock management techniques, such as improving her livestock pen, she has significantly boosted her income.

Vietnam has emerged to be one of the top coffee suppliers in the world. In Gia Lai Province produces more than 200,000 tons of coffee a year. Through extensive research and international collaboration, the Alliance supports work to make coffee production in Vietnam a sustainable source of prosperity for smallholder farmers.
©Alliance/Trong Chinh

Kampong Cham province, Cambodia.
Rubber is an important crop for many farmers in Cambodia.

Cassava Breeding Workshop on new concepts and best practices, and hands-on training on breeding tools at the Alliance Future Seeds genebank.
©Alliance/Juan Pablo Marin Garcia
Digital Innovation
The Alliance is developing tools to provide near real-time monitoring of forest cover loss through Terra-I tools to promote solutions for strengthened land use management and forest governance, while supporting deforestation-free jurisdiction for key agricultural commodities like coffee.
Agroecosystems and Sustainable Landscapes
The Alliance contributes to contribute to sustainable production practices and landscape conservation surrounding high-value commodities development in Vietnam like green tea, coffee, and black pepper, and valued tree species like the Australian Acacia.
Climate Action
To build resilience against climate change impacts, the Alliance is working on a portfolio of projects that involve investments for climate change adaptation and mitigation and working alongside partners to develop relevant tools like digital climate advisories and bundled services for smallholder farmers in the Mekong Delta under the CGIAR Initiative Asian-Mega Deltas.
Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
Working closely in the implementation of the CGIAR Initiative Nature-Positive Solutions, the Alliance in Vietnam is contributing knowledge and expertise to the management of biodiversity with smallholder farmers to enhance local income and improve nutrition.