
Peru - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

Our Mission in Peru

Our Peru office is based in Lima, where we have spent 28 years cultivating mutually-beneficial collaborations, generating significant achievements in the co-design of agroforestry and silvopastoral systems resilient to climate change, designing incentives for the conservation of agricultural biodiversity, strengthening the capacity for agroclimatic prediction and monitoring of land use change, and contributing technical inputs to define the ‘Law on Mechanisms for the Remuneration of Ecosystem Services’.  

Our research in Peru is based on collaborative work with different actors from the public and private sectors and from civil society, which ensures a lasting impact at different scales. 


  • Empowering Communities in the Amazon with Geospatial Information  

Through projects such as SERVIR-Amazonia we gather traditional knowledge, working with local partners to better understand the needs of the Amazon region to develop tools, products and services to improve decision making and incorporate the voice of women and indigenous communities. We support local capacity to leverage satellite data and geospatial information to promote sustainable natural resource management across the Amazon Basin. 

We develop sustainable business models to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by deforestation to increase productivity in deforested areas, and achieve a deforestation-free agricultural production system. These business models analyze context-specific factors that influence deforestation, examine GHG emissions in priority value chains, and address positive economic, environmental and social impacts during the business’s development. These business models are being implemented in the Ucayali region of Peru for two product value chains - palm oil and cacao.

  • Incentivizing Agrobiodiversity Conservation 

Payments for agrobiodiversity conservation services (PACS) is an incentivizing mechanism that protects endangered plant and animal species with high public values (e.g., for food security, climate change mitigation/adaptation, and biodiversity). PACS ensures farmers' rights and secures fair distribution of benefits from the conservation of genetic resources (in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the Sustainable Development Goals, and national legislation). 

We work with national and regional partners in the collection, conservation, evaluation and use of banana and musaceae genetic resources. We are also committed to preventing and managing the fungus ‘Fusarium tropical race 4’ (Foc TR4), which severely affects banana production in the country. We have developed workshops to strengthen knowledge and capabilities in diagnosis and good practices in the face of the Foc TR4 and other pests, contributing to the control and eradication of the outbreak of this fungus, based on international procedures and protocols. The joint work has been successful in blocking the spread of Fusarium in Peru

Projects and Flagship Initiatives

To achieve our mission with our work in Peru, we undertake several projects, each tackling different challenges and enacting certain impacts towards improving livelihoods in Peru. 



Our office in Peru

CIP - Centro Internacional de la Papa 
Av. La Molina 1895, La Molina 
Lima 12, Perú 
Phone: +51 1 317 5300 Ext. 2027    
Email: Juana Rosa León ([email protected])

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