El cacao silvestre y nativo de la región Ucayali: un recurso genético importante para el futuro del cultivo del cacao en Perú
Estudios sobre la productividad y sostenibilidad de los sistemas agroforestales de Cacao en países de América Latina
Knowledge for conservation: participatory monitoring of fauna and flora with producers from the Colpa de Loros Cooperative in cacao agroforestry systems
Joining Forces: Clima-LoCa and Alan Hesse Lead the Way to a Sustainable Future in Preserving the Environment and Fighting Climate Change
How to integrate Agroecological Principles into Peru's Cacao Business Model for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
Joining Forces to Protect the Amazon: Is it possible to combine financial instruments with forest conservation and restoration incentives?
Les oiseaux et les chauves-souris assurent les rendements des producteurs de cacao dans le nord du Pérou