Democratic Republic of the Congo - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second-largest country in Africa, covering an extensive area of approximately 2.3 million square kilometers. It is home to a diverse population of over 100 million people, making it one of the most populous countries on the continent. The vast size and abundant natural resources of the DRC contribute to its significant agricultural potential. The country has large expanses of arable land, abundant water resources, and favorable climatic conditions, enabling it to grow a wide variety of crops, including coffee, cacao, palm oil trees, cassava, and many fruits and vegetables.

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the DRC's economy, employing a substantial portion of the population and contributing significantly to its GDP.

CIAT - now part of the Alliance - holds a Host Country Agreement signed with the DRC Government since 2008. We are currently hosted by IITA in terms of rent (Hosting agreement for Kinshasa Office only) and not as an institution. Today, the Alliance's work in DRC focuses principally on common bean breeding, seed systems, sustainable value chains and digital phenotyping.

The DRC's vast biodiversity and agricultural potential offer a unique opportunity for the Alliance to conduct valuable research and develop innovative solutions that improve food security, promote sustainable agriculture, and enhance the resilience of communities.

The country's diverse agroecological zones and rich genetic resources provide an ideal setting for the Alliance to explore and conserve crop diversity. Research conducted in the DRC contributes to the development of climate-smart and nutritionally rich crops that are adapted to local conditions. Furthermore, the Alliance works with local farmers and communities to implement sustainable agricultural practices that improve productivity while safeguarding biodiversity.  

Over the years, the Alliance has established partnerships with government institutions, research organizations, non-governmental organizations, and local communities to collaboratively address food security and agricultural challenges in the country. 

Our Thematic Focus Areas and Impact of our work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Climate Action: The Alliance addresses climate change challenges through initiatives such as the CIFOR-ICRAF (EC) project, that promotes sustainable production and resilience to prevent food crises in the Yangambi region, contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in the DRC

  • Biodiversity for Food & Agriculture: Projects such as the CIP (USAID) Tools4SeedSystems initiative enhances resilience through root, tuber, and banana crops, ensuring biodiversity conservation while improving food security and agricultural sustainability in the DRC. 

  • Crops for Nutrition and Health: The Alliance supports nutrition and health through initiatives such as the IITA (PICAGL-World Bank) project, which focuses on regional integration of research centers and coordination efforts, facilitating the delivery of innovations to enhance agricultural productivity and nutrition. The Alliance is working with the national Ministry of Health on a project that reduces malnutrition (PMNS under the HarvestPlus Program) funded by the World Bank under the supervision of UG-PDSS; the project lasts for four years.

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Thematic Research Areas - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

HarvestPlus work on biofortified beans in east Democratic Republic of the Congo. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer 


Democratic Republic of the Congo - Milestones - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

Maize yields in east Democratic Republic of the Congo. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT /Neil Palmer 

  • Establishment of Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Implementation of sustainable agricultural practices such as agroforestry and soil conservation techniques, leading to improved soil fertility and enhanced resilience of farming systems in the DRC

  • Promotion of Nutrient-rich Crop Varieties: Successful promotion and adoption of nutrient-rich crop varieties, including biofortified beans and vitamin A-rich sweet potatoes, contributing to improved dietary diversity and nutritional outcomes among communities in the DRC

  • Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation: Conducting capacity-building workshops and training sessions on climate change adaptation strategies, empowering farmers and stakeholders to implement resilient agricultural practices and mitigate climate-related risks

  • Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity: Conservation efforts targeting indigenous crop varieties and the establishment of community seed systems, preserving agricultural biodiversity and traditional knowledge systems while enhancing food security and resilience

  • Integration of Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture: Successful integration of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions into agricultural value chains, ensuring access to diverse and nutritious food options, thus improving nutrition and health in the DRC

Projects and Flagship Initiatives

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT is engaged in a series of impactful projects and flagship initiatives aimed at addressing critical challenges in agriculture, food security, and biodiversity conservation.  

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Our office in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Alliance - Bukavu Office
Com. D’IBANDA, Av du Plateau No10, 
P.O.Box 1860, Bukavu, 
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Phone: +243 998 94 96 14 
Contact person: Mukendi Kishabongo Emmanuel ([email protected])

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