Coffee & cocoa portfolio

With the objective of assisting all the actors in the supply chain to adapt and overcome threats and secure opportunities for a sustainable cocoa and coffee sector, we make this page available as a continuously growing library of the work of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT related to coffee and cocoa crops. We identify evidence, insights and results in four interlinked sections:
1. Risk Diagnosis
2. Locally Relevant Actions
3. Supply Chain Alignment and Market Differentiation
4. Genetic Diversity Conservation and Use
Risk Diagnosis Tools
Diagnose and mitigate vulnerabilities in the supply chain. Ensure continuity and sustainability of the supply of cocoa despite challenges like climate change, competing land uses and contaminants.
Locally Relevant Action
Locally acceptable business cases for sustainable agricultural practices depend on the context of the farm and farmers. Awareness of risks, returns and uncertainties from the smallholder perspective enables supply chain improvements that are sustainable and create impact.
Supply Chain Alignment and Market Differentiation
This section focuses on enabling transparent and innovative supply chains able to take evidence-driven sustainability actions with technological and policy advances to achieve multiple benefits.
Cacao of Excellence works across five strategic areas to drive the expansion of superior quality cacao to ensure that a greater share of producers prosper.
Genetic Diversity Conservation and Use
Conservation and use of cacao genetic resources is the foundation for a sustainable cocoa economy, contributing to resilience, productivity and quality.

Publications - Briefing Notes

Other Publications

Cacao agroforestry tool
A tool to support the co-design of tailor-made cacao agroforestry systems.
Stephan Weise – [email protected]
Ysabel Anne Lee – [email protected]