What is it?
CLEANED (Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Environment and Sustainable Development along Livestock Value Chains) is a rapid environmental impact assessment tool that allows users to explore multiple impacts of developing livestock value chains using forecasting methods. It models the foreseen impact of changes in the livestock production systems and value chains along several pathways on land use, productivity, economics, water impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil health in order to support decision making with multiple objectives.
In what context is this tool useful?
CLEANED helps users to model the impact of changes in livestock production systems and value chains on land use, productivity, economics, water, greenhouse gas emissions and soil health so that they can make better decisions. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts of intensification and develop sustainable livestock intensification plans that mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive ones. The tool generates fast results and has potential in policymaking, proposal development and extension service to farmers.
Results achieved
The tool has been applied to several projects in sub-Saharan Africa. ‘Send a cow’ collaborated with a team of experts from the Alliance, using CLEANED modelling to assess land requirements for a dairy cow under different feeding regimes and explored the trade-offs between these strategies in four counties in Western Kenya. The tool has also been used in Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Vietnam to assess, in advance, the potential environmental impacts of dairy, beef, and dual-purpose cattle value chains.
The tool has allowed livestock development officers in Africa to model a livestock enterprise related to work in their fields. They also generated different scenarios to mimic technologies of interest to improve productivity and environmental efficiencies in their systems, from improving the dairy cow genetics and feed basket items to improving productivity and natural resource efficiencies.
In 2016, the CLEANED tool was used to compare and assess the environmental impacts of traditional extensive systems in Nicaragua. The assessment showed that a semi-intensive scenario with improved pastures and cattle and including a woodland component would lead to a milk productivity increase of 300% (from 370 to 1300 kg/ha/year). The required area for feed production remains constant. In a further scenario comprising better pasture management combined with woodlands, the assessment exercise assumed an increase in stocking rates of 100%, which doubles the productivity of the land.
Variations on this tool
Context-specific R versions have been developed for Ethiopia, Tanzania and Burkina Faso:
Pfeifer, C., Morris, J., Ouedraogo, S. and Ensor, J. 2018. CLEANED documentation: Conceptual overview of CLEANED and parameterisation of a CLEANED tool for Bama, Burkina Faso. York, UK: Stockholm Environment Institute.
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Stand alone:
Pfeifer, C., Morris, J., Ouedraogo, S. and Ensor, J. 2018. CLEANED documentation: Conceptual overview of CLEANED and parameterisation of a CLEANED tool for Atsbi, Tigray, Ethiopia. York, UK: Stockholm Environment Institute.
Stand alone:
Pfeifer, C., Morris, J., Ouedraogo, S. and Ensor, J. 2018. CLEANED documentation: Conceptual overview of CLEANED and parameterisation of a CLEANED tool for Lushoto, Tanzania. York, UK: Stockholm Environment Institute.
Stand alone: