Soil fertility in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Punjab, Pakistan: The role of institutional factors and sustainable land management practices
Tailoring interventions through a combination of statistical typology and frontier analysis: A study of mixed crop -livestock farms in semi-arid Zimbabwe
Understanding farm typology for targeting agricultural development in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Ethiopia
Production decisions and food security outcomes of smallholder’s livestock market participation: empirical evidence from Zimbabwe
Enabling Sustainable Livestock Development: ‘CLEANED’ tool effectively supports Environmental Impact Assessments across 34 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Using digital tools for a sustainable transition in small- scale livestock farming in Brazil: Results from workshops with local action partners
Toward compatibility with national dairy production and climate goals through locally appropriate mitigation interventions in Kenya
Transforming livestock production systems in East Africa through scaling novel forages: The grass 2 cash @scale journey
Servicios ecosistémicos y beneficios ambientales en sistemas ganaderos, una aproximación desde la valoración integral
Introducing I-CLEANED: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions
Livestock farmer groups for innovation uptake, market access and policy influence in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam
Improved forage grasses: Bringing their integration into humid- to sub-humid livestock production systems to scale