Agroecological Performance and Dietary Diversity Dataset: Household-Level Insights Using the TAPE (Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation) Framework and Qualitative 24hr Dietary Recall in Vihiga, Kenya (2023)
Food Vendors Mapping in Three Sublocations of Vihiga County, Kenya: A Food Environment Study (July–August 2023)
Diverse seeds and planting materials supporting farm resilience, inclusive value chains and healthy diets in a sustainable food system - Quantitative evaluation of community seed bank initiative among indirect beneficiaries in Vihiga County, Kenya …
Genetic diversity and candidate genes for transient waterlogging tolerance in mungbean at the germination and seedling stages
Preliminary analysis, multiple introductions of Sri Lanka Cassava Mosaic Virus (SLCMV) in Southeast Asia
Phenotype based clustering, and diversity of common bean genotypes in seed iron concentration and cooking time
Local working collections as the foundation for an integrative conservation of Theobroma cacao L. in Latin America
Participatory diagnostic toolkits and crop improvement approaches: participatory methods to assess and use plant genetic diversity in the field.