Analyzing influencing factors to scale up agroforestry systems in Colombia: A comparative ex-ante assessment of cacao farming and cattle ranching in two regions
Economic and environmental evaluation of a silvo-pastoral system in Colombia: An ecosystem service perspective
Evaluación económica y ambiental de un sistema silvopastoril en Colombia: una perspectiva desde los servicios ecosistémicos
De la teoría a la práctica: ¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta al construir esquemas de Pagos por Servicios Ecosistémicos (PSA ) efectivos y sostenibles para Sistemas Silvopastoriles? Evidencia de Colombia
Integrating crop pollination management, native beekeeping, and silvopastoral systems to improve the cattle sector’s sustainability in Latin America
Potential economic benefits of integrating silvopastoral arrangements in Latin American cattle systems
The use of Arachis pintoi in cattle systems in Colombia's Orinoquía region as a first step towards silvopastoral systems
Nitrogen cycling and N₂O emissions in Brachiaria-based grass-alone pastures and silvopastoral systems in a grazing trial in Colombia
Public policies and silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis
One tree at a time: Restoring landscape connectivity through silvopastoral systems in transformed amazon landscapes
Herramientas tecnológicas para la generación de capacidades: Hacia una producción ganadera sostenible y climáticamente inteligente
Public policies for the development of a sustainable cattle sector in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis (2010–2020)
Promoting forage legume–pollinator interactions: Integrating crop pollination management, native beekeeping and silvopastoral systems in tropical Latin America