How do sustainability policies emerge in the Colombian political system? A kaleidoscope model analysis of the policy for sustainable cattle 2022-2050
The East Africa Pastoralist Expo: A User-Centered Rangeland Water Source Monitoring & Early Warning System in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia
Silvopastoral systems and their role in climate change mitigation and nationally determined contributions in Latin America
Economic evaluation of a silvo-pastoral system with Leucaena diversifolia for Colombian cattle systems
Towards sustainable intensification of livestock production for improved livelihood in SEA: the case of Vietnam and Lao PDR
Mixed Farming Systems in the tropics, a CGIAR Initiative in 5 countries. Challenges and Collaboration in Laos
Silvopastoral systems benefit invertebrate biodiversity on tropical livestock farms in Caquetá, Colombia
Identification of promising genotypes of Megathyrsus maximus with shade tolerance for use in breeding programs
Nitrogen fixation and nitrous oxide emissions in tropical silvopastoral systems based on Urochloa grasses and Leucaena shrub legume
Effect of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray intake on in vivo methane (CH4) emission and milk production in dual -purpose cows in the Colombian Amazonian piedmont