A Regional Perspective of Socio-Ecological Predictors for Fruit and Nut Tree Varietal Diversity Maintained by Farmer Communities in Central Asia
CRISP: A climate risk assessment and planning tool to mainstream climate action into agri-food system programmes and policies.
Nueva visión de los servicios meteorológicos e hidrológicos en Guatemala; Implementación del Marco Nacional para los Servicios Climáticos (MNSC) Paso 2
Climate risk assessment and project planning for agri-food system development: An interactive tool for identifying promising adaptation options
Applying the CRISP tool in Bolivia and Zambia: Identifying climate risks and adaptation options in agricultural and food system projects
Bundled services for improved agricultural risk management: Training manual for agricultural downstream actors
Terra-i+ - Leverage local knowledge and satellite data to perform high-precision mapping of agroforestry systems
Supporting agri-food projects to implement climate change adaptation through the interactive online tool ‘CRISP’
An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers in Cambodia are using agricultural advisories based on the seasonal forecast with support of Local Technical Agro-climatic Committees
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to guide the provision of Agro-processing mini grants in Senegal
Guy Blomme Senior Scientist, Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture - Healthy Banana and Enset Production Landscapes
Operations research and machine learning to manage risk and optimize production practices in agriculture: good and bad experience
DeRisking coffee in the Central Highlands: piloting a Coffee Climate Protection Insurance (CCPI) scheme for farmers and agribusinesses