Estrategias de comercialización local de arroz biofortificado enfocadas en las comunidades de Leticia y Zapatero
Beyond borders: An analysis of free trade agreements and the competitiveness of the rice sector in Colombia
Biofortified rice contributes to increasing micronutrient consumption. Are consumers willing to pay for this solution in Cartagena, Colombia?
de Verdal et al. Optimization of multi-generation multi-location genomic prediction models for recurrent genomic selection in an upland rice population
An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers in Cambodia are using agricultural advisories based on the seasonal forecast with support of Local Technical Agro-climatic Committees
Over 130,000 farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, have used timely weather forecasts and advisories to improve farm decisions, leading to higher yields and profits
Europe, Set of agroclimatic indicators for the identification of abiotic stresses (Base of the subsetting tool), for the following crops: Bean, cassava, banana, wheat, maize, potato, sweet potato, rice, barley, sorghum, pearl millet, cowpea, yam,…
Potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to mitigate methane emissions from irrigated systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
Daily Methane Emission and Agronomic Data of Rice Cultivars in Latin America and the Caribbean for 2019
Using genetic diversity in deep root systems of forage grasses and rice to capture carbon in tropical soils
Informe de hallazgos y recomendaciones sobre las dimensiones de género en actividades de postcosecha. El caso de arroz bio-fortificado en la comunidad de Leticia, Bolivar
Corrigendum: The ÓMICAS Alliance, an international research program on multi-omics for crop breeding optimization