Tài liệu tập huấn: Sử dụng công cụ theo dõi hoạt động sản xuất lúa và tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính FarMoRe
A decision support tool for monitoring rice area, yield, and climate change impacts on rice production in Cote d’Ivoire. Initial piloting activities
Agricultura digital y servicios agroclimáticos: Modernizando los servicios de extensión en el sector arrocero para mejorar la adaptación al clima
Are the metrics that companies use effective for monitoring supply chain sustainability? A closer look at cocoa and rice
Estimating nutrient concentrations and uptake in rice grain in sub-Saharan Africa using linear mixed-effects regression
Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: Results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia
Remote sensing-based information and insurance for crops in emerging economies: Case of Cote D’Ivoire
Climate Risk & Vulnerability (CR&V) assessment for climate services: Rice production and value chain - Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam
Climate Risk & Vulnerability (CR&V) assessment for climate services: Rice-shrimp production and value chain - Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam
Climate Risk & Vulnerability (CR&V) assessment for climate services: Rice production and value chain – Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia
Using genetic diversity in deep root systems of forage grasses and rice to capture carbon in tropical soils
Genetic bases of resistance to the rice hoja blanca disease deciphered by a quantitative trait locus approach
Informe de acompañamiento para la integración de la perspectiva de género en el trabajo con parcelas de evaluación de variedades biofortificadas
Avanzando Juntos: Compromisos, logros y revonación de la Red de Investigación del Arroz en Centro América en el LVX Encuentro PCCMCA