Feb 12 - 15, 2024 -05 Campus Las Americas of the Bioversity Alliance and CIAT III Annual Meeting AgriLAC 2024
Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: Results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia
A conceptual framework of living labs for people: Fostering innovations for low emissions food systems and social equity
Gender inclusion and intersectionality in policies related to climate change, land and food issues - Colombian case
Leveraging Digital Agriculture Innovations to drive gender-inclusive benefits in agri-food value chains : A scoping study - Uganda
The Contribution of Voluntary Sustainability Systems to Women’s Participation and Leadership in Decision-Making (SDG 5.5 )
When interventions reach women, but women do not automatically benefit; the case of landscape restoration through commercial community tree nurseries (CCTNs) in Burundi (exploratory study)
Assessment of the use, intensity and adoption of Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies in Ghana.
On (Dis)Connections and Transformations: The role of the agricultural innovation system in the adoption of improved forages in Colombia
Assessment of feed resources availability and use for cattle and pigs in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam
Encontrándonos con la academia para compartir la importancia de aplicar la ciencia en las políticas públicas
Qualitative analysis of the perceptions of rural communities about the use of awareness‐raising videos in nutrition and health programs in Benin
Plan de investigación y desarrollo de la cadena productiva del aguacate Hass en el Valle del Cauca a partir de sus principales brechas tecnológicas