Advancing common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) disease detection with YOLO driven deep learning to enhance agricultural AI
Genetic diversity of Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic virus (SLCMV) in Southeast Asia - preliminary analysis
Cambodian cassava stakeholder field day for rapid cassava seed multiplication, clean seed production and CMD resistant
Genome analysis and pathobiology of Cassava-Infecting Torradoviruses containing a putative Maf/HAM1 pyrophosphatase domain
Mitochondrial genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) associated with cassava in Lao PDR
Susceptibility of cassava varieties to disease caused by Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus and impacts on yield by use of asymptomatic and virus-free planting material
Gut-expressed vitellogenin facilitates the movement of a plant virus across the midgut wall in its insect vector
Nanopore-based complete genome sequence of a Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (Geminivirus) strain from Thailand
Identification of divergent isolates of Banana Mild Mosaic Virus and development of a new diagnostic primer to improve detection