TreeEyed: A QGIS plugin for tree monitoring in silvopastoral systems using state of the art AI models
In season crop monitoring of agricultural interventions using remote sensing in smallholder farmers setting: The case of Northern Ghana
Développement de l’outil RIICE ‘‘remote sensing-based information and insurance for crops in emerging economies’’ en Cote d’Ivoire. Rencontre annuelle des parties prenantes : Etat d’avancement de la mise en œuvre du projet pilote et perspectives
Leveraging digital tools and crowdsourcing approaches to generate high-frequency data for diet quality monitoring at population scale in Rwanda
A decision support tool for monitoring rice area, yield, and climate change impacts on rice production in Cote d’Ivoire. Initial piloting activities
PlaSA Colombia — an Alliance-supported decision-making tool allowing students and the public and private sectors to gain a deeper insight into Colombia’s food systems.
Direct and underlying relationships of deforestation in the Caquetá department of Colombia : A case study
Definición de la configuración y ciclo del proyecto de carbono para los sistemas de producción de cacao bajo en emisiones en Caquetá y Cesar
Development and establishment of a high frequency monitoring system of the agri-food sector of Guatemala/ Construcción y establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo de alta frecuencia del sector agroalimentario de Guatemala
Food systems actors engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations - Results of Year 2 engagement
Evidensia learning event: Measuring women's participation and gender equality in value chain initiatives
Terra-i+ - Leverage local knowledge and satellite data to perform high-precision mapping of agroforestry systems
El monitoreo como herramienta para la toma de decisiones caso Dalbulus maidis (De Long & Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) en Colombia
2018-2020-2021 Panel data CSA Monitoring Guatemala and Honduras- demographic, climate, empowerment and social capital modules
Exploring new opportunities for improving AFOLU emissions reporting and the current status of AFOLU emissions for non -annex I countries