
Exploring new opportunities for improving AFOLU emissions reporting and the current status of AFOLU emissions for non-annex I countries

This policy brief has two main objectives. In a first instance, it aims to give an overview of how non-Annex I countries are currently communicating on the necessary elements (targets, monitoring plans, accounting mechanisms, implementation and achievements) for tracking their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) progress. Non-Annex I countries are to be understood as developing countries under the Kyoto Protocol. Contrary to Annex I countries, which are understood as developed countries and countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, non-Annex I countries do not have legally binding emissions reductions targets. With the existing transparency arrangements, Annex-I parties have demonstrated their ability in meeting the delivery of required information. On the other hand, non-Annex I parties have demonstrated limited experience in reporting mitigation action, which challenges not only tracking progress toward national targets but also towards global goals (Vaidyula & Rocha, 2018).

In a second instance, this policy brief also aims to summarize the current status of CO2 emissions from the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector in regions covering non-Annex I countries. Given that the AFOLU sector is both a source and a sink of CO2 emissions, land-based mitigations are quickly being recognized as key measures to achieve the Paris Agreement’s (PA) goal of reducing global emissions. However, findings suggest that AFOLU activities have considerable variations among different data sources, with no clear patterns across considered regions, with some sources indicating an increase in some places and others indicating a decline over the period 2010-2015 (Nyawira et al 2022). In order to support realistic mitigation targets set under the PA, an in-depth analysis of existing AFOLU datasets across non-Annex I regions is necessary in order to understand these inconsistencies in sources and sinks of CO2.