Sustainable intensification of cattle-husbandry systems in the Colombian Amazon (Caquetá): A cost–benefit analysis
Cattle farming, armed conflict, and climate change: Possibilities and limitations in a case study in the Colombian Amazon
Cost-benefit analysis of agroecological projects of one mini-dairy and two dairy production units of typical dairy farmers in Burkina Faso
Assessment of the level of alignment of the Sanko Kossam Dairy (SKD) business model with the principles of agroecology using the B-ACT tool
Theory of change for the dairy value chain in Kenya, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
Co-design workshops in Milk Collection Centers (CCLs): Training on technical itineraries, seed distribution and commitment of volunteer dairy farmers, Bobo-Dioulasso, June 19-25, 2023
Formalization of the Burkina Faso Agroecological Living Landscape (based on the actors of the local dairy value chain), Bobo-Dioulasso, 28-30 March 2023
Co-designing an agroecological package with the actors of the Burkina Faso Agroecological Living Landscape, Bobo -Dioulasso, CIRDES, May 11, 2023
Methane emission, carbon footprint and productivity of specialized dairy cows supplemented with bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Dinámica de la ganadería en Latino América y el Caribe: Relaciones de corto y largo plazo entre las emisiones y producción de carne y leche en la región.
Dynamics of the cattle sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Short and long-term relationships between emissions and meat and milk production in the Region
Sistemas de ganado lechero en Kenia: Contexto económico y perspectivas para las nuevas tecnologías forrajeras
CLEANED: A tool for ex-ante assessment of environmental impacts of livestock production – A case study on dairy production in Tunisia
A shift from cattle to camel and goat farming can sustain milk production with lower inputs and emissions in north sub -Saharan Africa’s drylands
Assessing the environmental impacts of intervention packages in dairy systems in Tanzania. CLEANED baseline and scenario assessment report
Determinants for smallholder farmers’ adoption of improved forages in dairy production systems: The case of Tanga region , Tanzania
Perspectives on reducing the national milk deficit and accelerating the transition to a sustainable dairy value chain in Zimbabwe
Feed gap assessment in Tanzania Southern Highlands through Improved Forages And Feeding Strategies Project
Does Brachiaria stand a chance in smallholder dairy dominated by productive Napier grass in eastern Africa?