Working Paper
Assessment of the level of alignment of the Sanko Kossam Dairy (SKD) business model with the principles of agroecology using the B-ACT tool
The Business Agroecology Criteria Tool (B-ACT) assesses a company's overall alignment with the 13 principles of agroecology categorized into 3 pillars of sustainable food systems: (i) the pillar of improving resource efficiency with agroecological principles: Recycling and Reducing Inputs; (ii) the pillar of building resilience with agroecological principles: soil health, animal health, biodiversity, synergy and economic diversification and (iii) the pillar of ensuring social e equity with agroecological principles: knowledge cocreation, social values and diets, equity, connectivity, land and resource governance and participation. This document presents the B-ACT tool and its application to Sanko Kossam Dairy (SKD) business model.