Mid-term evaluation of the Improving Bean Productivity and Markets in Africa (IBPMA) project in Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia
Context Assessment: Analysis of the biophysical, sociopolitical, economic and agroecological context in Attapeu Province Lao PDR
Context document Burkina Faso. Agriculture and agroecology in the Hauts-Bassins region, an ALL intervention area in Burkina Faso
Sustainable livelihoods in protected areas: The case of Allspice (Pimenta Dioica) in the Maya Biosphere Reserve
Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: Results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia
Assessment of agroecological principles in the context of community-based natural farming in Andhra Pradesh
Accelerated varietal turnover for open-pollinated crops ( beans, sorghum, groundnuts) in Tanzania – seed sector stakeholders’ landscaping. Baseline Report
Participatory workshop for co-designing innovations and interventions: Towards inclusive growth, employment, and income opportunities in the coffee value chain of Honduras
Assessing and advancing gender equality in agrifood value chains: A toolkit for firms and voluntary sustainability systems
Actes des ateliers de restitution et de discussion avec les parties prenantes et de formation-application de la méthodologie de l’analyse de chaîne de valeur sensible au genre au Burkina Faso
Actes des ateliers de restitution et de discussion avec les parties prenantes et de formation-application de la méthodologie de l’analyse de chaîne de valeur sensible au genre au Niger
AgriTech4Uzbekistan Innovation Challenge: Final 22 innovation teams announced for the upcoming bootcamp in Tashkent