Servicios ecosistémicos y beneficios ambientales en sistemas ganaderos, una aproximación desde la valoración integral
Livestock farmer groups for innovation uptake, market access and policy influence in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam
Adoption of feeds & forages and animal health innovations by livestock producers, through co-investment by local partners in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam
Introducing the I-CLEANED framework: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support profitable, sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions
Ganadería sostenible en Colombia: Diagnostico de la implementación de los lineamientos de política para la GBS 2022-2050 /Estudio de Caso: Rutas PDET
Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana
Acceso a créditos agrícolas en Colombia: Un estudio sobre las líneas de crédito para sistemas silvopastoriles en la ganadería
Assessing the climate security sensitivity of Mercy Corps’ Regional Livestock Program in Eastern Africa
Embracing forage technologies in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam: Lessons from the Li-Chan Project and recommendations for future endeavors
Ecosystem services and environmental benefits in livestock systems: Definition of terms, and valuation methods
Digital Solutions to Accelerate the Transition towards Agroecological Livestock Systems in the Amazon Basin
Systematic review of environmental footprints of livestock systems in African regions to develop a CLEANED benchmark table
Cost-benefit analysis Canavalia brasiliensis hay supplementation in Colombian dual-purpose cattle systems
Improving Urochloa sp. and Megathyrsus maximus for sustainable livestock systems to increase food and nutrition security , climate resilience and better livelihoods
Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective