Sustainable land use systems for reducing deforestation and peacebuilding
The implementation of the Sustainable Land Use Systems (SLUS) project — led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in conjunction with ZALF, Thunen and CIPAV — began in 2018. Funded by Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI), the project aims to promote sustainable cocoa and livestock production to foster forest conservation and peacebuilding in conflict-affected areas of the country. This IKI-SLUS project has been working with cocoa and livestock producers in the departments of Caquetá and Cesar.
In the context of the IKI-SLUS Project, sustainable land use systems are agricultural and livestock production systems that, by complying with the pillars of sustainability — economic viability, environmental protection and social equity — contribute to achieving not only Colombia's environmental objectives, such as reducing deforestation, restoring landscapes and mitigating climate change, but also other objectives, such as building peace and improving the livelihoods of rural populations, especially those living in conflict-affected areas.
On December 13, the "Dialogue on Land Use Systems for Reducing Deforestation and Building Peace" took place in Bogota, Colombia. International, national and local actors took part in the event, which discussed issues around deforestation, climate change mitigation and peacebuilding. The CGIAR iniciatives AgriLAC Resiliente and Mitigate+ supported the event, which Lisset Perez, senior research associate of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, organized. Learn more about the event here.
This is how the event went – Photo Gallery

The producers' view
Mayorly Nieto, Alba Neris Trillos and Xiomara Nieto, talk about their experiences and lessons learned as partner producers of the IKI-SLUS project.
The event on social media
🇨🇴Con palabras de @jesquiga, inicia el conversatorio sobre cómo el proyecto Sistemas de Uso Sostenible del Suelo #SLUS para cacao y ganadería, contribuyen a la reducción de la #deforestación, la construcción de la #paz y el desarrollo rural en #Colombia.
— Alianza de Bioversity International y el CIAT (@BiovIntCIAT_esp) December 13, 2022
🇨🇴 El proyecto #SLUS inició en 2018 en municipios afectados por el conflicto armado y la deforestación en Caquetá y Cesar, donde han participado entidades gubernamentales a nivel nacional y departamental, cooperantes internacionales, gremios y comunidades rurales.
— Alianza de Bioversity International y el CIAT (@BiovIntCIAT_esp) December 13, 2022
"Con el apoyo de @iki_germany y el @MinAgricultura, se ha analizado el alcance de este enfoque y se ha llevado a la practica en conjunto, entre actores de los territorios y científicos".
— Alianza de Bioversity International y el CIAT (@BiovIntCIAT_esp) December 13, 2022
— @MarceQuinteroT, directora de Inv. de @BiovIntCIAT_esp.
Para concluir el evento, se llevó a cabo el panel de discusión: ¿Cómo los sistemas sostenibles en #cacao y #ganadería contribuyen a la reducción de la #deforestación y a la construcción de #paz?, moderado por @MarceQuinteroT.
— Alianza de Bioversity International y el CIAT (@BiovIntCIAT_esp) December 13, 2022
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To know more about SLUS project