Household’s food consumption decisions, impacts, synergies, and trade-offs on food system outcomes: Empirical evidence from Northern Vietnam
Supermarket contracts, opportunity cost and trade-offs, and farm household welfare: Panel data evidence from Kenya
Local food system and household responses to external shocks: The case of sustainable coffee farmers and their cooperatives in Western Honduras during COVID-19
Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: Results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia
Stakeholders of the coffee value chain, addressing households´ food insecurity and resilience to climate variation
Diversification Patterns of Mixed Crop-Livestock Production in Smallholder Farming Systems and Its Implication for Household Food Security: The Case in Gudo Beret Watershed, North Shewa, Central Highlands of Ethiopia
2018-2020-2021 Panel data CSA Monitoring Guatemala and Honduras- demographic, climate, empowerment and social capital modules
Data for: A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam
Agronomic and economic performance of legume-legume and cereal-legume intercropping systems in Northern Tanzania
Barrier analysis for adequate daily fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income residents of Hanoi, Vietnam and Ibadan, Nigeria
A policy mix approach for assessing rural household resilience to climate shocks: Insights from Northeast Brazil
Investment and Household Bargaining in Small-scale Farming Households - A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment from Rural Tanzania
The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) data of 13,310 farm households in 21 countries