Sustainable intensification of cattle-husbandry systems in the Colombian Amazon (Caquetá): A cost–benefit analysis
Beyond emissions reduction: A framework for integrating climate-change mitigation and sustainable development goals
Enhancing resource efficiency and sustainability in mixed farming systems: FarmDESIGN-based strategies for crop -livestock integration - Hawassa Zuriya, Ethiopia
Effect of variation in gridded cattle diet composition on estimated enteric methane emissions in data sparse tropical regions
Use of CLEANED to assess the productive, environmental, and economic impact of dairy farms in the Peruvian Amazon
Beyond emissions reduction: A framework for integrating climate-change mitigation and sustainable development goals
Toward compatibility with national dairy production and climate goals through locally appropriate mitigation interventions in Kenya
Land-use change and Biogeochemical controls of soil CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes in Cameroonian forest landscapes
Dinámica de la ganadería en Latino América y el Caribe: Relaciones de corto y largo plazo entre las emisiones y producción de carne y leche en la región.