Cátedra abierta de sistemas alimentarios liderada por la comunidad de práctica en sistemas alimentarios de Colombia.
Experiencias en el fortalecimiento técnico de biofortificados a jóvenes rurales del departamento del Valle del Cauca
Mission accomplished! Young people from Cali culminate their internship in CASD full of knowledge and enthusia
Inventory of institutional initiatives promoting agroecological transition in Bobo‐Dioulasso's dairy value chain. Working Document
Context document Burkina Faso. Agriculture and agroecology in the Hauts-Bassins region, an ALL intervention area in Burkina Faso
Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: Results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia
Refugees in forgotten places: Exploring lived realities in fragile and transient-cum-permanent displacement contexts: A case of Tongogara Refugee Camp in Zimbabwe
Youth in livestock and the power of education: The case of “Heirs of Tradition” from Colombia, 2012–2020
Alliances to transform: Young livestock producers and the impact of farmer training programs, the case of “Heirs of Tradition”
Implementation of Cali's food system profile as a pedagogical tool for environmental awareness raising
Youth in livestock and the power of education: the case of “Heirs of Tradition” from Colombia, 2012-2020
Variation in the factors associated with diet quality of children aged 6 to 23 months in low and high agroecological zones of Rongai Subcounty, Kenya