Soil fertility in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Punjab, Pakistan: The role of institutional factors and sustainable land management practices
A case of transdisciplinarity and collaborative decision making: the co-construction of Gendered Food Product Profiles
Agrobiodiversity conservation policies: Insights from an integrated micro-macro economic model in Ethiopia
Description of the ancestral processes for the recognition by the Arhuaco people of the biofortified beans Agrosavia Rojo 43
Multipurpose forage seed and vegetive material systems in Malawi: Seed business models for forage cultivation and use
The tricot approach: an agile framework for decentralized on-farm testing supported by citizen science. A retrospective
Productivity of newly released common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties under sole cropping and intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.)
Descripción de los procesos ancestrales para el reconocimiento por el pueblo Arhuaco del fríjol biofortificado AGROSAVIA Rojo 43
Descrição dos processos ancestrais para o reconhecimento do feijão biofortificado Agrosavia Rojo 43 pelo povo Arhuaco
Easing overreliance on crop reduces by using improved forages that enhance sustainable farming in Nakuru County Kenya
Farmers’ variety naming and crop varietal diversity of two cereal and three legume species in the Moroccan High Atlas, using DATAR